Online Rice Purity Test
Rice Purity Test

Unveil Your Online Rice Purity Score 2024

You’re living your life, just doing your thing, when someone mentions the Online Rice Purity Test. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. But now you’re curious – just how “pure” are you according to this test? Time to find out.

The Rice Purity Test started back in the 1920s at Rice University as a way for students to assess their behaviors and attitudes. Now it’s gone digital, with an online version people take just for fun. The test gives you a score from 0 to 100, with lower numbers meaning you’ve engaged in more sexual or drug-related activities. Take the test yourself and see where you land on the purity scale. But don’t worry, there are no wrong answers. This is just a chance to learn something new about yourself and how you compare to others. Let’s jump in!

What Is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is an anonymous survey that scores how “pure” or sheltered you are based on your life experiences. The test consists of 100 questions about things you may or may not have done, like drinking alcohol, going on a date, or breaking the law. For each “yes” answer, you get points deducted from 100. The lower your final score, the less pure you are.


The test originated at Rice University in the early 1900s. According to legend, upperclassmen would haze freshmen with intimate questions to determine how innocent they were. Today, the Rice Purity Test lives on as a viral internet quiz to compare how sheltered you are versus your peers.

How to Take the Test

You can find the 100-question Rice Purity Test online. The questions cover experiences with drugs, alcohol, sex, crime, and general life events. Answer each question honestly with a “yes” or “no.” For each “yes” subtract the point value listed from 100. Your final score will be between 0 to 100, with lower scores meaning you have engaged in more life experiences.

While meant as a lighthearted way to compare life experiences with friends, the Rice Purity Test highlights how arbitrary and superficial certain societal norms can be. Don’t take your score too seriously —your character and values have nothing to do with whether you’ve gone to a party or kissed someone. Every life unfolds at its own pace, so make the choices that feel right for you.

A Brief History of the Online Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test, also known as the Rice Scale of Social Development, was created in 1924 by sociologists at Rice University. The goal was to measure the “normality” of young adults’ life experiences. The original test had 100 questions on topics like drugs, sex, and lawlessness. A lower score indicated more “worldly” experiences.

The Test Goes Mainstream

In the 1970s, the Rice Purity Test started spreading to other colleges and entered popular culture. The questions and scoring were adapted over time, but the goal of quantifying life experiences remained the same. Many see the test as a way to challenge social norms and push boundaries during the college years.

The Test Today

The Rice Purity Test continues today as an online phenomenon. There are many versions of the 100-question test floating around, with questions updated to reflect modern issues. Scores are often shared anonymously on social media. While originally aimed at college students, the test is now taken by people of all ages just for fun.

Some criticize the test for promoting risky behavior or making people feel like outcasts based on their scores. However, for most, it remains a lighthearted way to look back on life’s adventures, especially during the formative college years. Your score is a snapshot in time that provides fodder for stories that can last long after the college days are over.

So do you dare take the plunge and calculate your Rice Purity Test score? For better or worse, you just might learn something new about yourself along the way.

Taking the Rice Purity Test Online

Now that you know what the Rice Purity Test is all about, it’s time to take the test yourself. The original paper version has 100 questions, but many shortened online versions are available with around 50-70 questions.

Rice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test

Question 1 of 100

Sample Question?

Question 100 of 100

Another Sample Question?

Find a Reputable Site

When searching online, you’ll find many sites offering the Rice Purity Test. Look for well-known sites with a simple, easy-to-use interface. Some recommended options are,, and These mainstream sites are trustworthy and won’t spam you or sell your information.

Answer Honestly

For the most accurate score, answer all questions honestly. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers — just select the choice that best reflects your experiences. Don’t feel pressured to exaggerate or downplay your answers. Your score simply reflects life experiences common for your age group.

Get Your Score

Once you’ve answered all the questions, you’ll get your score immediately. Scores range from 0 to 100, with lower scores indicating more life experiences. A score of around 50-60 is average for college-aged students. Don’t worry too much about your specific score — the test is meant as a fun way to reflect on coming-of-age experiences, not an exact science.

Interpret Your Results

A lower score typically means you’ve had more life experiences — romantic, social, and otherwise — at a younger age. A higher score suggests you may have lived a more sheltered life so far. However, scores can vary for many reasons unrelated to life experiences. Your environment, culture, values, and opportunities all shape the kinds of experiences you’ve had growing up.

The Rice Purity Test provides an interesting snapshot of the diverse journeys we all take to adulthood. While the results shouldn’t be taken too seriously, they can make for an amusing trip down memory lane. Why not gather some friends and compare your scores? You may be surprised by the stories you share!

Interpreting Your Rice Purity Test Score

Now that you have your score, what does it mean? The lower your score, the less “pure” you are in terms of life experiences, especially those related to relationships, drugs, and alcohol. Scores in the 90s suggest you lived a pretty sheltered life so far. No judgment—everyone goes at their own pace.

The 90s: The Innocent Years

If you scored in the 90s, you’re probably in high school or just starting college. You likely haven’t had much experience with relationships, substances, or reckless adventures. Enjoy this innocent time in your life—you’ll have plenty of opportunities to lower that score if you want to!

The 80s: Testing the Waters

Maybe you’ve had a drink or two shared a first kiss, or dabbled in minor rule-breaking. You’re starting to push your boundaries in safe and normal ways. College years often correlate with scores in the 80s.

The 70s: Wild Side Emerging

In your 70s, you’ve likely had a steady relationship, experienced alcohol, and maybe tried recreational drugs. You’ve snuck out, skipped class, and embraced more risky behaviors. Your wild side is starting to emerge, but you still have a ways to go before reaching maximum debauchery.

60s and Below: Experienced Risk-Taker

A score in the 60s or lower means you’ve lived through a lot already. You’ve had kinky encounters, dabbled in hard drugs, broken the law, and thrown caution to the wind more than a few times. You believe life’s too short to miss out on new experiences, even if they’re taboo or unconventional. Your purity is questionable, but you sure know how to have a good time!

The rice purity test is meant as a fun way to quantify life experiences, not define who you are. Your score may change over time, but don’t let it limit you – go out and live life on your terms! Stay safe, and follow your morals, but don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. There’s a whole world of experiences out there waiting for you.

The Different Categories on the Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test consists of 100 questions covering a range of experiences, from holding hands to dropping acid. The questions are divided into categories based on the type of experience.

Sexual Experiences

This category makes up the bulk of the questions on the test, covering everything from kissing to more intimate acts. The higher your “score” in this category, the less experience you have. Questions include:

  • Have you ever kissed a boy/girl?
  • Have you ever had sex?

Drug and Alcohol Use

This category asks about your experiences with legal and illegal substances. A higher score indicates you’ve experimented less in this area. Questions include:

  • Have you ever tried marijuana?
  • Have you ever drank alcohol?
  • Have you ever taken prescription drugs that weren’t prescribed to you?

Legal Trouble

These questions aim to determine how much trouble you’ve gotten into over the years. A higher score means you have a clean record. Questions include:

  • Have you ever shoplifted?
  • Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
  • Have you ever been arrested?

Social Experiences

The final category covers basic social interactions and milestones. A higher score suggests you may have had a sheltered upbringing. Questions include:

  • Have you ever held hands with a boy/girl?
  • Have you ever gone to a party?
  • Have you ever cursed at your parents?

Your score in each category is totaled to give you an overall Rice Purity Test score between 0 to 100. The lower your final score, the more life experiences you’ve had. The test is meant to be a fun way of quantifying your journey to adulthood, not a serious psychological assessment. So take your score with a grain of salt and try not to read too much into the results!

Why the Rice Purity Test Is Controversial

The Rice Purity Test has received criticism over the years for promoting an unhealthy fixation on sexual experience and “purity”. Some argue that the test implicitly judges and stigmatizes people based on their sexual histories.

Promotes Unhealthy Attitudes

The test frames loss of virginity and sexual experience as somehow corrupting one’s purity or innocence. This promotes outdated and harmful notions of purity and sexuality. Your worth and character have nothing to do with your sexual experience or lack thereof.

Judgmental and Exclusionary

The Rice Purity Test judges people based on arbitrary measures of sexual experience, which can make many feel stigmatized or like outsiders. Rather than bringing students together, it may isolate or divide them.

Overemphasis on Quantifying Experience

The test takes an overly simplistic view of sexuality by reducing it to a number that signifies how “pure” or “impure” you are. In reality, sexual experience is complex and personal. It cannot and should not be reduced to a numerical score.

Lacks Consideration of Context

The Rice Purity Test fails to consider the context behind people’s experiences or choices. It presumes that any kind of sexual experience somehow diminishes one’s worth or purity, without understanding people’s unique situations, values, and reasons behind their choices.

While the Rice Purity Test is meant as a lighthearted joke for some, its implications promote harmful and unethical attitudes about sexuality. Rather than judging people’s worth or character based on arbitrary measures of experience, we should promote inclusiveness, empathy and understanding. A person’s character depends on their individual choices and values, not on oversimplified notions of “purity”.

Rice Purity Test Alternatives

Once you’ve taken the Rice Purity Test, you may be looking for other ways to assess your experiences or compare with friends. Several alternative purity tests have popped up over the years that provide a different spin.

The College Purity Test

This 100-question test focuses more on typical college experiences, ranging from skipping class to chugging a beer in under 10 seconds. The lower your score, the more adventurous your college escapades have been. This one’s a fun way to reminisce about your wilder days on campus.

The Nerd Purity Test

Calling all geeks, gamers, and bookworms! This test was created specifically for those who would rather stay in for a Lord of the Rings movie marathon or Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Questions revolve around everything from owning collectible figurines to attending a comic con. Lower scores suggest you’re a diehard nerd at heart.

The Travel Purity Test

For the wanderlusters and adventure seekers, this test determines how “impure” you are based on the locations you’ve traveled and experiences you’ve had abroad. Some sample questions include “Have you ridden a camel?” and “Have you slept in a yurt?” The more exotic places you’ve been and activities you’ve done, the lower your score. This is a great way for travel bugs to compare how far they’ve roamed.

While the original Online Rice Purity Test provides an interesting snapshot of your experiences coming into college, these alternative versions allow you to explore other aspects of your interests, hobbies and adventures beyond the campus. Take them all to get a well-rounded assessment of what makes you uniquely you. Your scores may surprise you!

Tips for Taking the Rice Purity Test

Now that you’ve learned all about the Rice Purity Test, it’s time to take it. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

When taking the test, answer each question honestly. The results won’t be accurate if you fudge the truth. No one will see your answers, so don’t feel embarrassed about anything you’ve done (or haven’t done!).

Consider your experiences broadly. Some questions may be open to interpretation, so think about the spirit of the question. For example, for a question about illegal drugs, consider any substances that were illegal at the time, even if laws have since changed.

Don’t overthink each question. Go with your initial gut reaction and don’t second guess yourself. The test is meant to be a casual assessment of life experiences, not an official interrogation!

Have an open mind about your score. Don’t feel disappointed in a higher or lower score. There is no “right” way to go through young adulthood, and your experiences don’t define you. Every person’s life path is unique.

Take the test with friends! Sitting down together to take the Rice Purity Test can be fun and spark interesting conversations about the crazy and memorable things you’ve done. You may even bond over shared experiences.

Consider retaking the test in a few years. Your score is likely to change over time as you go through new life stages and check more experiences off your list. See how you progress and what stays the same.

Most of all, have fun with it! The Online Rice Purity Test is meant to be a lighthearted look at coming of age. Don’t take the results too seriously and instead laugh about the awkward, cringe–, and ridiculous things we all go through in our youth.

Rice Purity Test FAQs: Your Most Common Questions Answered

You probably have a few questions about the Rice Purity Test. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

How accurate is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is meant to be a fun way to look at experiences you may have had in your life. The results are not scientifically validated and should not be taken too seriously. Many factors like culture, environment, and personality can influence a person’s experiences, regardless of their age or gender.

What’s a good Rice Purity Test score?

There is no “good” or “bad” score on the Rice Purity Test. The goal is simply to prompt self-reflection. If you’re concerned about any of your answers, consider speaking with a medical professional.

What does my Rice Purity Test score mean?

Your score represents the number of items on the test that you have experienced. A lower score suggests you have had more experiences, while a higher score means you have had fewer experiences. But again, there is no “right” way to go through life and everyone’s experiences are different.

How can I improve my Rice Purity Test score?

The Rice Purity Test is not meant to be “improved” or “scored” in a competitive way. It is designed to encourage personal reflection on life experiences. Focus on living according to your values and pursuing meaningful life experiences that are right for you.

Should I take the Online Rice Purity Test again?

You can take the Online Rice Purity Test as often as you like, but the results are meant as a fun way to reflect on experiences, not to track progress. If you retake the test, consider how your answers have changed over time and what new insights you may have gained about yourself through life experiences. But do so for your personal growth, not due to peer pressure or competitiveness.

In summary, the Rice Purity Test aims to prompt reflection in a lighthearted way. Don’t take the results too seriously or feel pressure to change your score. The experiences that shape your life are deeply personal. Focus on living according to your values and pursue what is meaningful for you.


So there you have it. The Online Rice Purity Test started as a way for college students to poke fun at themselves and each other. But over time, it’s become a cultural phenomenon that people of all ages partake in. Sure, it can be silly to assign a “purity score” to someone based on their experiences. But taking the test can also lead to some thoughtful self-reflection. Have you lived a relatively sheltered life? Or have you seized opportunities to explore the world and push boundaries? At the end of the day, what matters most is being comfortable in your skin, living authentically, and finding meaning in your choices – not chasing someone else’s definition of purity.

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